Chen Xiaoyu (Vicky Chen) profile

Chen Xiaoyu (Vicky Chen) information

  • Name Chen Xiaoyu (Vicky Chen)
  • Zodiac Cancer
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1970-07-17
  • Measurements B84(E) W58 H58
  • Born Chinese Taipei (Grandfather Fujian Fuzhou)
  • Professional Actor, moderator
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 2479

Vicky Chen, a Taiwanese actress, was born in Taipei City and graduated from Zhongshan Women's High School. She is the best actress in the 44th Golden Bell Awards. Chen Xiaoyu joined the "Xinxin Theater" in Taiwan in 1991 and began to get involved in movies in 1995. Later, the relationship with Taiwanese king Wu Zongxian was exposed, and the popularity rose. In 2001, Chen Xiaoxuan and the producer Zhan Renxiong made an open contact. Wu Zongxian and Chen Xiaoyu have known each other for about six years, and they have been struggling to pursue it. They have also used the trick of "overlord hard" on the program to make Chen Xiaoyu become the master of his ten thousand mansion.

Chen Xiaoyu (Vicky Chen) collections