Yuu Kobayashi (Kobayashi yuu) profile

Yuu Kobayashi (Kobayashi yuu) information

  • Name Yuu Kobayashi (Kobayashi yuu)
  • Zodiac Aquarius
  • Height 168
  • Birthday 1982-02-05
  • Measurements
  • Born Tokyo, Japan
  • Professional Voice actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1339

Kobayashi (こばやしゆう), a Japanese female seiyuu, was born on February 5, 1982 in Tokyo, Japan. When seiyuu was a very active magazine model, the height was 168cm in the female voice, and only a little shorter than the 170cm Honda, the Yumiya, and the Gecheng. Mother is a flower arranging master. It may also be because of this, the character is modest and courteous, and approachable. Painting is very unsatisfactory, and painting will become something of its own creation, and it is called "painting" (the great painter). On June 9th, 2006, when the paintings on the Internet Radio (Mr. Magic!) were also released, they were also corrected by the staff because of the dangers of the paintings. In the Chisong Health Diary, other seiyuu will add "さん" (Mr./Miss) to the name, but Kobayashi is "Painting Bo".