What Moss Nori (Nori) profile

What Moss Nori (Nori) information

  • Name What Moss Nori (Nori)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 155
  • Birthday 1995-11-25
  • Measurements B81(D) W61 H89
  • Born Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model
  • Interest Dancing, singing, fire
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1271

Nori Moss Nori, Taiwanese positive model, 17 live platform female anchor, has the name of “D milk version Rong Jia”, graduated from Huaxia University of Science and Technology Cosmetics Application Department, this is just using the spare time to join the live broadcast of 17 live broadcasts, but once When I was broadcasted by the photographer, I began to step into the outside world of modeling, and I was getting farther and farther and more popular on this road.