Konno Konno (Konno Anna) profile

Konno Konno (Konno Anna) information

  • Name Konno Konno (Konno Anna)
  • Zodiac Gemini
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1989-06-15
  • Measurements B86(F) W59 H83
  • Born Shonan, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Artist, photo actress
  • Interest Stage play, movie, hair ring
  • Collections 11 collections
  • Views 32388

Konno Anna, whose real name is Odai Ayumi, was born in Shonan, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. He is currently a popular Japanese idol. Jinye Xingnan, who was born in Tongxing, was the first to take some confession and participate in variety shows and stage performances when he was in the third year of junior high school. At that time, he still debuted under the real name "戸井田杏奈" until the little girl really grew up. After that, she re-expressed in a mature and full-fledged posture. After she became a small woman, she also had the strength of the F cup in her bust. In February 2011, the first DVD photo was taken. In May of the same year, the official opening of the door was announced. The mature and sexy Jinye Apricot is very good after the long-term, and the personal blog and Twitter are even more brilliant!