Liu Meichen (Candy) profile

Liu Meichen (Candy) information

  • Name Liu Meichen (Candy)
  • Zodiac Sagittarius
  • Height 168
  • Birthday 1992-12-18
  • Measurements B92(C) W62 H88
  • Born Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
  • Professional Model
  • Interest Travel, photography
  • Collections 6 collections
  • Views 1966

Liu Meichen, nicknamed Candy Sanmei, has won the world's top 16 in the coastal school flower contest and the national flat model contest rookie award. She said: In the case of sex, after the first phase of the number of online votes and the second stage of the number of votes, the third paragraph of FHM professional and prudent assessment, to determine who is the first. However, a girl with more intellectual beauty can win the second place, which represents the trend that the concept of beauty in the jury has changed.