Huang Di (Huangersama) profile

Huang Di (Huangersama) information

  • Name Huang Di (Huangersama)
  • Zodiac Gemini
  • Height 173
  • Birthday 1993-05-23
  • Measurements B86 W70 H92
  • Born Dongcheng District, Beijing, China
  • Professional Plane model, anchor
  • Interest Games, Cos, dance
  • Collections 2 collections
  • Views 1133

Huang Di, Weibo nicknamed the World Society - the Emperor of the Phoenix, 90 after the tender model, the anchor, whether it is the racquet outside shooting has some works, but the real popularity is because of a game endorsement, in 2011, Phoenix Emperor signed Sohu as a swim Showgirl participates in 2011 China Joy.