Huang Xinyu (Xin-Di) profile

Huang Xinyu (Xin-Di) information

  • Name Huang Xinyu (Xin-Di)
  • Zodiac Virgo
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1982-08-29
  • Measurements B81(E) W58 H86
  • Born Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model, host
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1344

Xin-Di, a Taiwanese model, has a very early debut, but it has only recently received attention. She was involved in the selection of Le Tea Girls many years ago, and she hosted the show on MTV for a while, and even took a lot of photos for the trend magazine. Although I loved beauty and lively personality since I was a child, I chose to work in a bank and live a practical life after graduating from school. After that, because there was no major breakthrough in performing arts work, she did not see what the future was. She did not indulge herself and numb in this colorful environment. Instead, she pragmatically chose to stay away from the fluorescent screen and return to the big company as a small secretary. But she didn't want to work just to make money, and she didn't want to be tied to the timetable of standardization, so she returned to the entertainment industry.

Huang Xinyu (Xin-Di) collections