Tao Wei (Elleya) profile

Tao Wei (Elleya) information

  • Name Tao Wei (Elleya)
  • Zodiac Gemini
  • Height 167
  • Birthday 1985-06-20
  • Measurements B86(B) W61 H86
  • Born Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Host, singer, model, actor
  • Interest Exercise, sing, sleep
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1325

Tao Yulin (formerly known as Tao Yu, Elleya), Taiwanese host, singer, model and actor. The former black scorpion will be the "Taozi" who will debut with her real name Tao Yulin. She is slimming 8 kilograms, and she is more than 130,000 "finished" facades. She has become a goddess successor from the cute rabbit tooth girl. The new song "Soul of the Soul" is even more on the Chinese drama "Left Female Bodyguard", and the reading rate has exceeded 700,000. The record company is optimistic about her good singing and idol-like appearance, hoping to challenge the home and the gods and peace of mind. Tao Yulin was born in the program "I Love Black Skull". Since 2006, she has been a model in the show for nearly three years. She is one of the best in the world. After turning into an idol singer, the friend saw her all exclaimed: "Wow! How do you change so much?" Tao Yulin generously admitted: "I have a whole, but it is a whole tooth!" She revealed that in order to become more beautiful, everything is done. In the college days, I spent 130,000 corrective teeth and vowed to get rid of the impression of "cute rabbit teeth".

Tao Wei (Elleya) collections