Jurarak Untao (Jurarak Untao) profile

Jurarak Untao (Jurarak Untao) information

  • Name Jurarak Untao (Jurarak Untao)
  • Zodiac Sagittarius
  • Height 158
  • Birthday 1994-12-19
  • Measurements B91(C) W61 H89
  • Born Bangkok, Thailand
  • Professional student
  • Interest
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 2260

Jurarak Untao, a Thai sister student and part-time model, has just graduated from Dhurakij Pundit University in Boren University. Although Jurarak is just an amateur, it has a natural star temperament, fresh and refined, sometimes cute and pure, sometimes sexy and charming, and is supported and loved by many otaku on the Internet. Don't think that she only has a beautiful appearance. Just after she completed her bachelor's degree, she will continue to pursue her master's degree. It is really a rare natural beauty that integrates wisdom and beauty!