Zhang Yuyu (Zhangxiaoyu) profile

Zhang Yuyu (Zhangxiaoyu) information

  • Name Zhang Yuyu (Zhangxiaoyu)
  • Zodiac Leo
  • Height 173
  • Birthday 1993-08-14
  • Measurements B86(C) W64 H89
  • Born Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model, car model
  • Interest
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1446

Zhang Yuyu, nicknamed Zhang is less than, Taiwanese sister model, car model, graduated from the St. Vincent Hill College in the United States, has a white skin, the front and back of the devil's body and slender legs, in addition to having a pair of super power Fantasy; less than frequent visitors to major exhibitions and events, each attendance is the focus of attention of fans! In addition to the car model and showgirl's work, there are quite a lot of outside shooting experience, and many different styles have been filmed.