Liu Huangwen (Hana) profile

Liu Huangwen (Hana) information

  • Name Liu Huangwen (Hana)
  • Zodiac Aquarius
  • Height 170
  • Birthday 1992-02-15
  • Measurements
  • Born Taiwan, China
  • Professional White collar
  • Interest Shopping
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1508

Liu Huangwen (Hana), a Taiwanese sister, is a temperament beauty, graduated from Taipei University of Science and Technology. I shot a AED creative advertisement with only 1 minute 55 seconds. The content is that when I saw everyone falling down, I fell down with a confused expression. Because it looks too cute and funny, I was crowned by netizens. The title of "naturally staying sister", and she herself became popular in the network, and also became the leader of the Taiwanese network reds in 2013.

Liu Huangwen (Hana) collections