Jubaee (Julia) profile

Jubaee (Julia) information

  • Name Jubaee (Julia)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 0
  • Birthday
  • Measurements
  • Born Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional student
  • Interest Food, exercise
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1945

Julia, nicknamed Jubaee, Taiwanese sister, not only has a good face, but also a healthy body, but also has a healthy wheat complexion. She is also happy to share beauty photos in IG show styles. At the age of 25, she went to the United States to study in high school. She has been graduating from college and returned to Taiwan last year. Usually she is happy to share life photos in her personal IG, and the style is very diverse, sexy, stylish and sporty, all kinds of dresses, just like a girl.

Jubaee (Julia) collections