Cai Siyi (Alina) profile

Cai Siyi (Alina) information

  • Name Cai Siyi (Alina)
  • Zodiac Leo
  • Height 166
  • Birthday 1993-08-22
  • Measurements B81 W56 H86
  • Born Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model, student
  • Interest Shopping
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1179

Alina, a new model in Taiwan after 90s, a Taiwanese mixed-race beauty with Spanish and intellectual ancestry, one of the top 10 goddess of the goddess of the house and goddess in 2014, or a high-profile student of the University of North University, or a student of her, usually taking a flat model and The activity of advertising. The lively and cheerful personality of Cai Siyi, looks like shopping is her big favorite, these are seen from her book face, almost sweeping the major stores, all the clothes, shoes, bags have been involved, and even once became the first picture of Qimo auction .

Cai Siyi (Alina) collections